
Service Times
Join us for Sunday service every week!
Sunday Worship: 10:15 am
Sunday Morning Live Stream:

Seven Hills Newsletter
Fill out a connection card to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date on current news, events and happenings at Seven Hills.
Calendar of Events
Check out our calendar events for the upcoming year to plan your participation and make a difference in our church and our community.

Safety Policies for Children's Ministry
For Children’s Ministry, we use checkout tickets. It is important that parents keep their ticket when printing children’s name tags. You will need to present your ticket when picking up children from classes.
* Children in the age group of Nursery through Pre-School are to be dropped off prior to the beginning of service.
* Check-in for parents is located downstairs and should happen prior to the start of service for all ages.
* Children in the age group of Kindergarten-3rd Grade are dismissed from the service.
Serve with Us
Serving and leading our community is a core value that we hold close, acts of service guide Seven Hills in our practice and worship. Learn more about our opportunities to serve the local Rome community and abroad by reaching out to our volunteers.

Pathway to Flourishing
The Pathway to Flourishing is an intentional, church-sanctioned, multi-year and multi-context curriculum intended for every 7HF member. The Pathway doesn’t just focus on the spiritual or theological but on the whole human experience. The curriculum aims to educate, equip and motivate members in this pursuit of surrendering their whole lives to God. Ultimately, the goal of The Pathway to Flourishing is to create lifelong followers of Christ who thrive in every aspect of their humanity.